I'm THRILLED that Kenix finally decided to show up at a friend's celebration. She just seems to disappear for the whole year and has not been hanging out with celebrity friends for like forever. I was waiting to see her at Raymond Cho's wedding but I was upset that she did not attend; only Frankie did. And Raymond was among the best men at Kenix-Frankie wedding. I was praying that she would attend Ada's wedding because they were very close friends in the past. I have not seen many pictures of them in the recent years so I don't know how their friendship has developed. The last close pictures of Kenix and Ada were during At the Threshold of an Era days. My point is: ever since her wedding with Frankie, I barely see her with a friend. I was so desperate to see just one picture of her with any old pal but that still didn't happen. Gone were the days that this group of friends hung out together at both private and public events: Kenix, Monica Chan, Anita Lee, Athena Chu, Frankie Lam, Francis Ng, Noel Leung, Ada Choi, Kitty Lai, Lee San San, Gary Chan, etc... As I see, Athena, Kitty, and Catherine Hung were more of Ada's friends.
Despites of being called "a simple wedding," many celebrities attended Ada-Zhang Jin wedding. I see the familiar old pal faces such as Kenix (Yay!), Gary (but where's Noel? She was at Kenix's wedding), Athena-Catherine-Monica (& also Ada's assistant) as bridesmaids, Carol Yeung Ling, and Kitty Lai. From the "friends" group, I notice the absence of Anita Lee, Francis Ng, Noel Leung, Lee San San, and Jacqueline Law. Perhaps they were busy. Another piece of news said Jacqueline Law was present. Maybe I just didn't see her picture.

Ada looked very beautiful as a bride. Her simple white dress and cute floral on the head made her look very elegant and happy. Congratulations to Ada and Zhang Jin!!!
Images: tungstar, on.cc, ent.163
Credits to kuangaitvb.com, TVBVN Fan Club