I found this link in Frankie-Kenix's Chinese Forum.
From the pictures, everything looks glamorous - the settings, the people, the fashion, you name it. For me, of course, I only care about what will hapen to my beloved Kenix's character throughout and at the end of the series. From the pictures, Kenix and Ray are simply lovebirds. I didn't expect them to look so compatible, so matching, so ideal, so perfect. Because it seems so perfect, I'm worried that they might not end up as this picture might imply:

Is Kenix dead? It looks like she is to me, especially when she has that white blanket on her that must have been uncovered by Ray. Either she's seriously wounded or... dead from the car accident. I just pray that the script didn't give Kenix the latter ending. But there's a glimpse of hope: the GRAND wedding. If she will die, I don't think the director would have wasted so much time and effort filming that wedding scene on the ship.
That was just my two cents. I don't mind Kenix's character dying (yeah right!) but I do dread that Ray will get back with his wife Jamie after Kenix's death. That will totally ruin the perfect love story.
On a side note, I haven't seen such a casual and relaxing scene of Kenix for a long time.

Judging by the above promo clip, our Kenix looks to be quite ruthless and conniving! She wants Ray, and will even tear up a family to get her man! She looks dangerously obessive in the clip...bordering on evil! FINALLY! Can't wait to watch Kenix in this new role!! I think Angie Tong might be more complex than Becky Koo...
Also, my guess is Kenix will die in Born Rich...
I think she'll die in BR too.
She might not die b/c of the car accident b/c it happens at night, or maybe there are 2 accidents hehe...
but i can't explain the reason for the grand wedding... unless it's a dream? ^__^
lol..i've just been spoiled...i didnt read that news about the reuniting thingy...
but it's very possible...
at first i thought they'd just happily get married...cause that's the last scene the series filmed....but maybe they had to just jump scenes
but it did come across my mind what happened to anita yuen ..since she wasnt in any of the pictures for the wedding segment.
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