Frankie is finally back with TVB, again, for the filming of Forensic Heroes sequel after the success of the first part. however, this time, Kevin Cheng & Charmaine Sheh are added to the casts. with Bobby- the leading man, and Kevin - TVB's new favorite, i wonder how big Frankie's role will be. hopefully TVB will keep his character as important as in Part I and that he'll have a decent amount of screen time. i dont really look forward to watching this series because unlike many, i didnt enjoy the first part. i thought the pace in discovering the evidence and solving the crimes was way too fast. looking backward, i see that no matter how hard TVB try, they can never remake another detective plot like they did for Detective Investigation Files. however, i might still give it a chance for Frankie's sake, if his role is significant ^__^.
i'd say that the series is funny during the 1st half & kinda draggy during 2nd half. however, overall, i would say yes, it's worth watching. go ahead & rent/buy it.
Coincidentally quick review:
Frankie is destined to be killed by a ghost who has an unsettled disputes with him in the previous life. Annie Man plays his house maid. Alice Chan Wai plays that ghost who is his lover in the previous life. his mom tries her best to keep him out of trouble but he is still killed by Alice. Annie, who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, is killed as well. both Frankie & Annie are now ghosts.
Kristy Yang is Frankie's finacee. Frankie dies on their wedding day b/c he sneaks out. she loves Frankie deeply so she decides to stay with her mother in law anyway.
anyway, the series goes on with the ghosts of Frankie & Annie wandering around, trying to reconnect with the family members & friends but are unable to. problems happen when the villain of the series, David Siu, tries to be the most powerful man & takes over Frankie's business. Frankie & Annie then have to help his mother, his wife, & friends to stay safe from David.
there are love stories too, but i'll let you watch that by urself. Annie looks too young with short hair so i thought she & Frankie dont look very matching. he looks better with Kristy but Kristy's acting in here is pretty rough.
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