If you thought Johnny Depp was the world’s unlikeliest buccaneer, just wait’ll you get a load of Dakota Fanning in “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle,” enthused director Danny DeVito.
The movie, an adaptation of the book by author Edward Irving Wortis (better known by his pen name Avi), centers on the adventures of a 19th Century 13-year-old girl, who must forswear her ladylike upbringing when confronted by intrigue and danger on the high seas.
“[Dakota] is a very proper girl who is thrust into a situation where she has to take this ship and there’s a mutinous crew on board — all sorts of intricate loyalties, and storms, and gunfights,” DeVito excitedly revealed about the set-up for the upcoming flick, for which he is currently “working on storyboards,” he said. “It’s really cool stuff.”
Many daring escapades follow (which we wouldn’t dream of ruining for those not familiar with the book). DeVito says he plans on including all of them. “I’ll be pushing the envelope as usual,” he declared. “It’s a movie I’d love to take a kid to [but] it’s not just for a kid. It will probably be a PG movie - edge of your seat PG.”
Joining Dakota in her journey across the Atlantic will be an Oscar winner and a super-spy, DeVito revealed. “Morgan [Freeman] is the captain, captain Jaggery [and] Pierce Brosnan is Zachariah, the ship’s cook, surgeon, and carpeneter,” he said.
Published by Shawn Adler
this is such a wonderful news! i read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle years ago but i still remember loving the book. the climax near the end was so dramatic that i cried as i was reading it. i definitely look forward to seeing the movie ^__^
The movie, an adaptation of the book by author Edward Irving Wortis (better known by his pen name Avi), centers on the adventures of a 19th Century 13-year-old girl, who must forswear her ladylike upbringing when confronted by intrigue and danger on the high seas.
“[Dakota] is a very proper girl who is thrust into a situation where she has to take this ship and there’s a mutinous crew on board — all sorts of intricate loyalties, and storms, and gunfights,” DeVito excitedly revealed about the set-up for the upcoming flick, for which he is currently “working on storyboards,” he said. “It’s really cool stuff.”
Many daring escapades follow (which we wouldn’t dream of ruining for those not familiar with the book). DeVito says he plans on including all of them. “I’ll be pushing the envelope as usual,” he declared. “It’s a movie I’d love to take a kid to [but] it’s not just for a kid. It will probably be a PG movie - edge of your seat PG.”
Joining Dakota in her journey across the Atlantic will be an Oscar winner and a super-spy, DeVito revealed. “Morgan [Freeman] is the captain, captain Jaggery [and] Pierce Brosnan is Zachariah, the ship’s cook, surgeon, and carpeneter,” he said.
Published by Shawn Adler
this is such a wonderful news! i read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle years ago but i still remember loving the book. the climax near the end was so dramatic that i cried as i was reading it. i definitely look forward to seeing the movie ^__^
Sounds like Treasure Island with Jane Hawkins.
I think you may have mixed up the casting. It seems more likely that Brosnan will play the captain and Morgan Freeman will be Zachariah. Zachariah is a black sailor that Charlotte befriends-not a hunky British guy. I'm reading the book in school right now so it's very fresh in my mind. :)
im reading the book too in school u go to cavalier dont u
I agree that the casting is wrong. Zachariah is a loyal crewmember who is made fun of a bit because he is black. Morgan Freeman would be perfect for this. Brosnan, although yummy, could be very capable of playing the bad-tempered WHITE captain. This small difference would ruin the movie in my mind.
Morgan Freeman as Captain Jaggery??!! are you kidding?!! Zachariah is an old BLACK man, and Brosnan (not to be rascist) is WHITE! This mix-up would totally ruin the movie for me. not kidding.
OMG I can't wait to tell my teacher! We are reading this and he'd love to know!
I completely agree that the casting would screw up the movie. We just finished reading this book in class and I really like it.... I wonder why Avi doesn't say anything to defend his book...... maybe the writer of this article just messed up the order.... we'll just have to wait until next year when the previews start coming out!!!!!!
Another reason to hate books made into movies... They've already ruined Twilight, Inkheart, and The Thief Lord. I swear, all good books are going to be destroyed and their imaages ruined. What's next? The Sacrifice with Jamie Spears as Abigail? I swear to God..
It looks like either DeVito or Fanning had a change of heart. Saoirse Ronan will now be starring as Charlotte Doyle. Personally, I think Ronan is the better choice. It's easy to picture Morgan Freeman as Zachariah and Pierce Brosnan as Capt. Jaggery. The movie is set to be released in 2009. Can't wait!
When is the Movie out, Because i am reading it at school and would love to know!! :-)
i LOVED the book. i just read it in class and it was amazing. im soooooo exited!
I'm reading the book in my class. We all had a crazy idea because we would try to write to Danny Devito and ask him if we could go to the premire or something like that! Also, my friends mom or dad knows Danny's phone number, so we might get a special invitation. Awesome huh?
I definately agree. Zachariah is BLACK and it might ruin the movie if you change the cast! Dont do this to an awsome book! and movie!
dude you got the cast mixed up. Saoirse Ronan is going to be charlotte, and Morgan Freman will be Zachariah.
Good day, sun shines!
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it hasnt come out yet or has it just been cancelled
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